Terms of Use

Last updated: 14 February 2024

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Welcome to Recit.app!

These terms of use govern your access to and utilization of our Site and Services provided by Recit.app. By utilizing the Site or any of our Services, you agree to be bound by the following terms. Please take the time to read them carefully, as your use of the Site or Services indicates acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree, kindly refrain from using the Site or any associated Services.

Recit.app reserves the right to modify these terms periodically, and the scope or content of our Services may also change accordingly. Any amendments will be published on the Site and become effective from the date of publication. We will make reasonable efforts to communicate substantial changes to you via email or through notifications on the Site. Continued use of the Site or Services after such amendments implies acceptance of the modified terms.

Violation of any of these terms may lead to the termination of your account.


  • Account Holder: The individual who registers to use our Service on behalf of a Client.
  • Client: The entity or organization, represented by the Account Holder, that acquires our Services.
  • Recit.app, We, Us: recit Pty Ltd and all related entities.
  • Invited User: Any person or entity, other than the Client and Account Holder, using the Service at the invitation and with the authorization of the Account Holder.
  • Services: Various services made available through the Site and otherwise provided by us.
  • Site: The Internet sites available at www.recit.app and any other site operated by recit.app.
  • Terms: This Terms of Use agreement.
  • You, Your: Refers to all users of the Site and Services, including Clients, Invited Users, and the Account Holder, unless expressly specified.

A. Account Terms

  1. In exchange for payment of subscription fees by the Client, we agree to provide Services to the Client on these Terms along with the Standard Terms and Conditions.
  2. Users must designate an email address and password (referred to as "login") to access the Site. Your login is used to access the Site and Services, and we assume all usage using your login is by you.
  3. A login may only be used by one individual. The Account Holder may create separate logins for individual users as per the Client’s subscription plan.
  4. During signup, the Account Holder and each User must provide their full name and a valid email address.
  5. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and password.

B. Payment, Refunds, Upgrading and Downgrading Terms

  1. Payments will be charged using any credit card or payment method on record for the Client.
  2. The Service is billed in advance on a monthly basis, and fees are non-refundable.
  3. Payments cover the use of contracted Services for the agreed subscription period.
  4. All fees are inclusive of Australian GST but exclusive of other taxes, levies, or duties.
  5. Services and prices are detailed at https://www.recit.app.
  6. For any plan upgrade or downgrade, the new rate will apply from the start of the next billing cycle.
  7. Downgrading may reduce features or capacity, and Recit.app has no liability for such reduction.
  8. Unless the Client notifies Recit.app before the end of the subscription period, the subscription will automatically renew.

C. Cancellation and Termination

  1. To terminate your account, the Account Holder must follow our account management and termination process within the Service.
  2. Upon cancellation, accounting data will be retained for a short period before irrevocable deletion.
  3. No refund or credit of monthly fees for mid-month cancellations.
  4. Failure to pay fees may result in the suspension or termination of a Client’s account.
  5. Recit.app may decline to provide Services, suspend, or terminate accounts at its discretion.

D. Modifications to the Service and Prices

  1. Recit.app may modify or discontinue Services with or without prior notice.
  2. Prices are subject to change with a 30 days’ notice.
  3. Recit.app is not liable for any modification, price change, or discontinuance of the Service.

E. Managing Data Privacy and Sharing

  1. The Service allows organizations to import and analyze data from multiple entities.
  2. Users are accountable for ensuring appropriate roles and permissions to avoid data sharing.
  3. Recit.app Clients must consider data privacy arrangements before adding entities or clients to the Service.
  4. You agree to allow Recit.app to collect, use, and disclose personal information as per our Privacy Policy at https://www.recit.app.


Unless Customer specifies otherwise in writing, Recit.app may disclose your company as a customer and use your company’s name and logo on the Website and in promotional content. Recit.app is granted a revocable right to use the Trademarks. Both parties acknowledge the exclusive

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